
BC Boat & Sportsmen's & BC Hunting Show at Tradex, Abbotsford, B.C. Part 2

More photos from Tradex (see previous post)

Auto focus busted on my wide lens so I have a few bad shots but better than none- Wiens Taxidermy had the most beautiful mounts in my opinion.
This is actually a 3 picture panorama of the measurer's were scoring antlers based on Boone and Crockett/Pope and Young standards.
Othmar M. Vohringer and Mike of BC Outdoors
A really pretty girl trying out at the archery demos. I regret I didn't get a good capture of her face which was of model caliber.

 Canine Trainer Fernando Silva and Sky
Othmar and Johnny Mac, a professional animal caller whose speciality is moose. Sorry about the blur guys- busted auto focus.
 Othmar talking with one of the retailers for a hunting product.
Othmar with show manager Les. ( Square Feet Northwest Event Management Inc.)


BC Boat & Sportsmen's & BC Hunting Show at Tradex, Abbotsford, B.C. Part 1

BC Boat & Sportsmen's & BC Hunting Show at Tradex, Abbotsford, B.C. is now finished. I have to admit that despite doing almost nothing for 3 days but drive, take photos, and film seminars, I rather enjoyed the whole experience.

I got to know the new camcorder pretty well and it was really fun to film with. My husband did three seminars on Friday and Saturday and concluded Sunday with two more. These seminars were well received as far as I could tell not being a hunter; I noticed people paid close attention, some even took notes down, and quite a few asked Othmar questions afterward.

Othmar posing beside a lovely Black Wolf

Othmar standing next to trophy salmon
This hunting and fishing show is a massive venue with loads of distractions- representatives and gear from the world of boating, off-roading and recreational vehicles. Guns, bows, archery demos, camping supplies, clothing retailers, taxidermists, fly tying experts...it just went on and on.

 Reels galore!

Loads of lures

On the second day the auto-focus on my trusty old Sigma lens broke and it was the only one I could use in the building as everything was so closely packed together. Fortunately manual focus was o.k. but a lot of pictures suffered because I am out
of the habit of using manual focus. I will have to retrain myself! In any case, I am breaking the event into several blog posts since there are so many pictures.

A huge custom log home skeleton composed of about 3 images

 Boat trailers stacked to the roof

And finally, I had a bit of fun at Othmar's expense putting together this little collection of some choice facial expressions from his seminars!

Talking the Talk


March- 2011

February was on the slow side aside from the Nicola Valley Fish and Game Club dinner and awards and a reception for the community arts show in Merritt where I've submitted an abstract photo and a painting.

As the weather warms up there will be more opportunities for photography - this month in particular will be busier as my husband is engaged in several hunting related seminars. The weather is so awful- it's brutally cold at times with the wind that blasts through Merritt and even on the coast there was 10 cm. of snow. My sister told me the story of how her car glided through an intersection in Burnaby on pure ice- brakes were absolutely useless.
But back to the NVFGC event: I'm pleased that Othmar himself got a prize for best wildlife photo! There was a good turnout for the dinner/awards considering there was another large event going on in town. I thought I would share some of the pictures (which were taken rather hurriedly on my part) as well as a few other things I'm engaged in.

Genealogy project: this has been an ongoing thing for decades that I'm determined to finish this year. The (basic) translation of enough documentation to build a family tree along with the story behind the immigration of my parents and their ancestors. My mother's side of the family is mostly put together but it's my father's that is such a monumental task. I have a document archive of about 100 or so old papers written in German, Hungarian, and as it goes further back, Latin (not including personal letters of more recent vintage). The website Burgenland Bunch has been a great resource for me and recently I got in contact with some very knowledgeable people to try to focus my efforts on tracing back an apparent nobility. I've also delved into the history of Europe with more interest than in my high school days and have to be grateful for the internet being what it is: a place, where if you look hard enough and make use of all the available tools, is a potential goldmine of information for just about any subject you care to name. That's not to say all of it is accurate or unbiased!

It comes through that we have it very easy compared to those who came before us. My father's people lived in the border region of Austria within a few kilometers of Hungary. It seems his ancestors knew nothing but war for centuries with just a few breaks of relative peace in between...Catholics versus protestants, one monarchy versus another, infighting within the regions...my mother as well come to think of it. She was technically born in Poland but other members of her family from the same village are technically of German citizenship simply because a border changed during the war. I just discovered last month that my father was (technically) a Hungarian- 1 month after he was born his hometown- along with the entire Burgenland- was given to Austria. His parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc. hung onto every piece of official documentation that was required of their people (particularly birth records) which is very fortunate for me in the study of my genealogy.